Professor Bruce E. Logan is an Evan Pugh Professor, the Stan & Flora Kappe Professor of Environmental Engineering, and Director of the Engineering Energy & Environmental Institute at Penn State University. He is an eminent international leader in the field of environmental biotechnology, with focus on microbial electrochemical technologies for wastewater treatment and sustainable energy generation. Dr. Logan has mentored over 110 graduate students and post docs, and is the author or co-author of over 518 refereed publications with over 37,890 citations (h index = 98 based on Scopus) and several books. He was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2013. He is the founding Deputy Editor of the new ACS journal Environmental Science & Technology Letters, and a fellow the International Water Association (IWA), the Water Environment Federation (WEF), and the Association of Environmental Engineering & Science Professors (AEESP). He was named the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) Distinguished Lecturer for 2015. Dr. Logan is a visiting professor at several universities including Newcastle University (England) and Tsinghua University (China), with ties to several other universities in Saudi Arabia, Belgium and China. He received his Ph.D. in 1986 from the University of California, Berkeley. Prior to joining the faculty at Penn State in 1997, he was on the faculty at the University of Arizona.
All sessions by Prof. Bruce Logan
Using Microbial Electrochemical Technologies Coupled to Anaerobic Fluidized Bed Membrane Bioreactors for Recovery of Water and Energy from Wastewater
01:00 PM
From Treatment to Resource
08:30 AM