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KAUST Research Conference 2019
KAUST Research Conference 2017
6th Physics of Membrane Processes workshop
EnSE Seminar Series
Translational Research
Water Desalination and Reuse Center
EnSE Seminar Series
The global wastewater treatment microbiota: extremely diverse or surprisingly simple? | by Prof. Per H. Nielsen
WDRC EnSE Seminar Series
Electrochemically Active Biofilms | by Prof. Haluk Beyenal
WDRC EnSE Seminar Series
An Introduction to Water Footprint Assessment | by Dr. Rick Hogeboom
WDRC EnSE Seminar Series
Assessment of mangrove distribution and afforestation potential in the Red Sea | by Dr. Javier Blanco-Sacristán
WDRC EnSE Seminar Series
Bio-inspired Materials for Improving Crop Productivity in Desert Agriculture | by Dr. Kennedy Odokonyero
WDRC EnSE Seminar Series
High-recovery water desalination and reuse using batch and semi-batch reverse osmosis (RO) | by Prof. Philip Davies
WDRC EnSE Seminar Series
Information-driven sustainable soil management | by Prof. Asim Biswas
WDRC EnSE Seminar Series
Reducing Air Pollution Disease Burdens through Policy and Personal Protections | by Prof. Junfeng (Jim) Zhang
WDRC EnSE Seminar Series
Machine learning modeling for the sorption of contaminants in soil | by Prof. Huichun (Judy) Zhang
WDRC EnSE Seminar Series
Reusing Oil and Gas Produced Water for Agricultural Irrigation | by Prof. Thomas Borch
WDRC EnSE Seminar Series
Debunking Claims of Spontaneous H2O2 Formation in Water Microdroplets | by Prof. Himanshu Mishra
WDRC EnSE Seminar Series
Extracellular free DNA and the spread of antibiotic resistance in urban water systems | by Prof. David Weissbrodt
WDRC EnSE Seminar Series
Resource recovery and valorization from industrial | by Prof. Ludovic (Ludo) Dumee
WDRC EnSE Seminar Series
Membrane biofilm-based strategies in anaerobic membrane bioreactors to improve mitigation of emerging contaminants | by Prof. Moustapha Harb
WDRC EnSE Seminar Series
Space Exploration: A Source of Technology Transfer in Terrestrial Agri-Food Industries | by Prof. Mike Dixon
WDRC EnSE Seminar Series
Wastewater-based epidemiology for COVID-19, Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and influenza A surveillance | by Prof. Alexandria Boehm
WDRC EnSE Seminar Series
Valuing water for a Blue Circular Economy: advanced technologies for turning wastewater treatment plants into sustainable biorefineries | by Prof. Vincenzo Naddeo
WDRC EnSE Seminar Series
Situational Assessment for Fecal Sludge Management (FSM) in Low-income Countries | by Prof. Sher Jamal Khan
WDRC EnSE Seminar Series
Nitrifiers in wastewater treatment - new players, new physiologies, new interactions and new opportunities | by Prof. Michael Wagner
WDRC EnSE Seminar Series
Application of Aerobic Granular Biomass for Rural Sewage Treatment | by Dr. Zhongwei Wang
WDRC EnSE Seminar Series
The Mexico City’s urban water cycle: A story of adaptation to water reuse | by Dr. Juan Carlos Durán Álvarez
WDRC EnSE Seminar Series
Resource recovery strategies from spent effluents – review of current practices and a case study on spent battery waste | by Prof. Ludovic (ludo) Dumée
WDRC EnSE Seminar Series
Fighting Against Forever Chemicals | by Dr. Mohamed Ateia
WDRC EnSE Seminar Series
Why Water is Weird? | by Dr. Philip Ball
WDRC EnSE Seminar Series
Sewage surveillance of COVID-19 | by Prof. Gertjan Medema
WDRC EnSE Seminar Series
Changing Freshwater Availability as Viewed from Space: Implications for Water and Food Security | by Prof. Jay Famiglietti
WDRC EnSE Seminar Series
Reaching Drawdown: Climate Solutions for the New Decade | by Dr. Jonathan Foley
WDRC EnSE Seminar Series