Geert-Jan Witkamp, Ph.D.



Research Interests

​His research is aimed at generating knowledge necessary for the development of technologies allowing atom and energy efficient recovery of materials in pure form (water, salts, metals) from a wide variety of sources and to realize such technologies in practice at appropriate scales through translational research. Concepts include the Water Refinery, Eutectic Freeze Crystallization, (ultra)trace compound detection and recovery, Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents (NADES’s) and supercritical carbon dioxide-based processes.

Selected Publications

  • Effect of pore size distibution and particle size of porous metal oxides on phospate adsorption capacity and kineti... 
    P. Suresh Kumar, L. Korving, K.J. Keesman, M.C.M. van loosdrecht, G.J. Witkamp
    ChemicalEngineeringJournal,358,160-169, (2019)
  • Towards zero liquid discharge in the presence of silicat: Stable 98% recovery in nanofiltration and reverse osmosis 
    S. Cob, C. Yeme, B. Hofs, E.R. Cornelissen, D. Vries, F.E. Genceli Guner, G.J. Witkamp
    SeparationandPurificationTechnology,140,23-31, (2015)
  • Visualization of acoustic cavitation effects of suspended calcite crystals 
    R.M. Wagterveld, L. Boels, M.J. Mayer, G.J. Witkamp
    Ultrasonicssonochemistry18,216-225, (2011)
  • Are natural deep eutectic solvents the missing link in understanding cellular metabolism and physiology? 
    Y.H. Choi, J. van Spronsen, Y. Dai, M. Verberne, F. Hollmann, I.W.C. Arends, G.J. Witkamp,...
    Plantphysiology156,1702-1705, (2011)
  • Quantum chemical aided prediction of the thermal decomposition mechanisms and temperatures of ionic liquids 
    M.C. Kroon, W. Buijs, C.J. Peters, G.J. Witkamp
    ThermochimicaActa465,40-47, (2007)
  • Isoelectric precipitation of soybean protein using carbon dioxide as a volatile acid. 
    G.W. Hofland, A. de Rijke, R. Thiering, L.A.M. van der Wielen, G.J. Witkamp
    JournalofChromatographyB:BiomedicalSciencesandApplications743,357-368, (2000)
  • Recovery of pure products from ionic liquids using supercritical carbon dioxide as a co-solvent in extractions or a... 
    M.C. Kroon, J. van Spronsen, C.J. Peters, R.A. Sheldon, G.J. Witkamp
    GreenChemistry8,246-249, (2006)
  • Growth of gypsum: I. Kinetics 
    G.J. Witkamp, J.P. van der eerden, G.M. van Rosmalen
    JournalofCrystalGrowth102,281-289, (1990)
  • Extraction of Lanthanides from the phosphoric acid process to gain apruified gypsum and a valuable lanthanide by-pr... 
    C. Koopman, G.J. Witkamp
    Hydrometallurgy58,51-60, (2000)
  • Scale formation of ice from electrolyte solutions on a scraped surface heat exchanger plate 
    R.J.C. Vaessen, C. Himawan, G.J. Witkamp
    JournalofCrystalGrowth237,2172-2177, (2002)


  • ​Ph.D., Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, 1989
  • M.Sc., Chemistry, Leiden University, The Netherlands, 1985
  • B.Sc., Chemistry & Physics, Leiden University, The Netherlands, 1982

Professional Profile

  • ​2018 - Present: Full Professor at KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
  • 2013 - 2018: Full Professor (Biotechnology) at Applied Sciences, TU Delft
  • 1998 - 2013: Full Professor (Chair of Process Equipment) at Mechanical Engineering, TU Delft
  • 1994 - 1997: Associate Professor, Laboratory for Process Equipment, TU Delft
  • 1990 - 1995: Research Fellow of The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 

Scientific and Professional Membership

  • ​Royal Dutch Chemical Society
  • Netherlands Physical Society


  • ​"Environmental Chemistry Prize" by the Royal Dutch Chemical Society for the dissertation, 1989
  • "Young Chemist" award from NWO (Dutch National Science Foundation), 1998
  • Bronze medal of merit, TU Delft, 2009
  • "Dow Energy Prize" awarded by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences, 2011

KAUST Affiliations

  • ​Water Desalination and Reuse Center (WDRC)
  • Division of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Engineering (BESE)

Research Interests Keywords

Water Crystallization Thermodynamics Supercritical carbon dioxide Natural deep eutectic solvents Green solvents