Yong Jin, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellows

​Postdoctoral Fellow

Research Interests

My research focus lies in designing materials or devices to solve problems involving phase change phenomena such as condensation heat transfer or desalination by applying basic principles of thermodynamics and transport theorem.

Selected Publications

  • Tuning substrate geometry for enhancing water condensation
    Y. Jin, M. Albaity, Y. Shi, N. Ghaffour, P. Wang
    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, volume 144, p. 118627, (2019)
  • Preferential water condensation on superhydrophobic nano-cones array
    Y. Jin, A. Qamar, Y. Shi, P. Wang
    Applied Physics Letters,  volume 113, p. 211601, (2018)
  • A highly flexible and washable nonwoven photothermal cloth for efficient and practical solar steam generation
    Y. Jin, J. Chang, Y. Shi, L. Shi, S. Hong, P. Wang
    Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Issue 17, (2018)
  • Atmospheric Water Harvesting: Role of Surface Wettability and Edge Effect
    Y. Jin, Z. Zhang, P. Wang
    Global Challenges, volume 1, issue 4, (2017)


  • ​PhD, Environmental Science and Engineering, KAUST Thuwal, Saudi Abrabia, 2019

Professional Profile

  • ​2019- Present :Postdotoral fellow, WDRC, KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Abrabia

KAUST Affiliations

  • ​Water Desalination and Reuse Center (WDRC)
  • Biological and Environmental Sciences & Engineering Division (BESE)

Research Interests Keywords

Condensation Heat transfer Desaliantion Materials CFD